Artist: Jerrel Sustaita

Did you remember to celebrate Van Gogh’s 169th birthday this year?  Artsy Scoop sure did!

Celebrating the Dutch painter’s birthday each year may not be something you put in your calendar, but thanks to Jerrel Sustaita, we had a wonderful reason to do so this year.  Sustaita is a prolific painter in his own right, and when he’s not creating something new (with both of his ears intact, mind you), he is known for hosting painting party pop up’s all over Dallas/Fort Worth.  

Artsy Scoop received an invitation to attend one, so we went and checked things out.  This particular stop on Jerrel’s unique art program’s tour was held at Odd Muse Brewery in Dallas, so I was pleasantly surprised to learn that it was a kid-friendly event, and I was encouraged to bring my 11-year-old, which I did.

Immediately upon our arrival, I was very impressed with the event’s set-up: there was a check-in station where you would pick up your paints & brushes, and then a row of different paintings that you could choose from as your sample to work on.

It turns out the whole family participates in this creative operation! Jerrel’s wife Francine comes around making sure we have fresh water to wash our brushes, while their daughter captures the event for social media.  After we were settled in, to my surprise and delight, each person is offered a unique piece of chocolate for the occasion. Chocolate is never something I am going to refuse, but this treat was intentional in more than just the obvious way. Upon inspection, I realized that the delicious treats were shaped like little ears.

My readers will no doubt understand the joke already, but for anyone who hasn’t brushed up on their Vincent knowledge, Van Gogh had a mental illness and during a hallucination, he cut off his own ear with a knife (and may or may not had given it to a woman who rejected him).  It was a clever little addition to the evening’s theme.

Delicious Brew & Van Gogh's Chocolate Ear Snack

If you are interested in joining a future painting party, you’re in luck.  This program is put on regularly throughout the Metroplex, and is how the Sustaita family earn their living, which in itself is something to applaud!  Jerrel was inspired by Bob Ross as a kid, and if you follow him on social media, you’ll definitely see the influence. He is a friendly artist and is clearly in love with painting! One of his pieces of Freddy Mercury hangs in the Canvas Hotel. Wow!

This “Live Local Artist” will be at Arts Goggle this Saturday, April 23rd, so make sure to stop in as I’m sure you’ll catch Jerrel painting live!  Visit Jerrel’s Website for more information!

Painting Choices
Painting Party at Odd Muse Brewing (Dallas, TX)
Freddie Mercury by: Jerrel Sustaita
Artist at work: Jerrel Sustaita
Article & Photos: Mouty Shackelford
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