AI-generated art.  It’s a complex and multifaceted topic that typically leads to some very strong opinions.  What cannot be denied is that it is here, and it’s a rapidly developing domain that prompts significant inquiries into what creativity, genuineness, morality, and the essence of art really is. Whether AI-generated art is perceived as a groundbreaking new mode of creative manifestation, an instrument that can supplement human ingenuity, or a freakish technology that supplants humans altogether, its influence is undeniably reshaping the contours of the modern art panorama.

Case in point: All of the illustrations featured in this article have been brought to life using some simple prompts I entered into an online AI art application, such as “flowers in a wine bottle vase, pencil sketch,” and “sketch of wine bottles with bubbles.” I found the auto-generation process intriguing; each click of the refresh button yields a new array of images. On the one hand, these sketches could serve as the stepping-stones for future original drawings or paintings. But just as easily, someone could consider these images their finished art, as is.

This raises a series of contemplative questions, but none more immediate than, “Should artists claim these AI-generated pieces as their own works?” The ethical considerations surrounding this are not simple or straightforward.  Essentially, we are being forced to decide, “Does the origin matter, or is the ultimate outcome what truly defines art?”.  After all, a human provided the prompts, just as a photographer triggers a camera’s shutter, resulting in a photograph. Will we eventually draw a distinction in the art world, differentiating AI creations from traditional human-made works? Or will we instead embrace this as an innovative artistic medium, one that expands the boundaries of creative expression? The blurred lines between human and AI involvement will no doubt spark heated, yet essential conversations about authorship, creativity, and the evolution of art.ol that complements human artistry, its presence is undeniably shaping the contemporary art landscape.

Whether AI-generated art is considered a revolutionary form of creative expression, a technology that complements human artistry, or a blight on the essence of “art”, its growing presence is undeniably shaping the contemporary art landscape.

A.I. images were created through the app Airt – Ai Art Generator

Article & Photos by: Mouty Shackelford -